Membership Care
Parish Family Ministry

Parish Family Care Groups
In his role as Senior Pastor, Rev. Dr. Undra Parker is called to shepherd (care for) the families of Shiloh. With over 500 families in Shiloh, it is difficult for the Pastor to account for, communicate with, and care for every family by himself. The Parish Family Care Ministry is the way the Senior Pastor accounts for, communicates with, and cares for every Shiloh Family. He is connected and remains connected to each family of our church through the Parish Care Ministry. This connection is strengthened, nurtured, and maintained through the services of the Diaconate Ministry.
The Shiloh Parish Family Care Ministry is made up of fourteen“Parish Family Care Groups. Each Shiloh household is assigned to a Family Care Group. The assignment is determined alphabetically—by the first letter in the member’s last name, for example– “Parker” would be in the “NOP” Family Care Group.
Shiloh’s Parish Family Care Ministry is led by the Director for Parish Family Care and is staffed by family care ministers who are ordained deacons and Deaconesses. Your Family Care Minister should be the first individual that you contact during a time of crisis in your family, such as an illness or death or an emergency need for food, clothing, or shelter. They will pray with you, provide spiritual directions, and walk with you to Shiloh’s Care Center. If your situation requires the attention of the Senior Pastor, your Care Minister will contact and inform him.
Family Care Ministers—Deacons and Deaconesses are trained lay volunteers, not professional counselors, therapists, pastors, or physicians. They are not authorized to give legal, medical, financial, or any other advice, but Bible-based encouragement. Family CareMinisters are Christians who care in the name of Christ. They provide care by listening, supporting, encouraging, praying, being dependable and trustworthy, and maintaining confidentiality in their caregiving.
Shiloh Diaconate

Parish 1
“Parish Director”

Parish 2
“Diaconate Chair”

Parish 3

Parish 4

Parish 5

Parish 6

Parish 7

Parish 8

Parish 9

Parish 10

Parish 11

Parish 12

Parish 13

Parish 14

“Transportation Director”

“Trustee Chair”
Shiloh’s Membership Care Ministry task is three-fold. Our goals are (1) to Connect every member to our church family helping them to become fully participating members; (2) to Communicate with every member through the Parish Family Care Group to which they are assigned; (3) to Care for every member in times of crises/emergencies in their lives.
Our prayer is to lead every member to become a fully devoted follower of Christ who lives out this devotion as a “fully participating member of the church.” Participating members worship consistently, grow to spiritual maturity through Bible Study and prayer, use their gifts to serve in ministry, and give of their resources as God has blessed them by giving the tithe and offerings.
However, we know life’s journey is not always smooth—not even for the people of God. Everyone—every family will experience difficulties, hardships, emergencies, crises, and breakdowns at some point in their lives. Every now and then everybody needs guidance, encouragement, a kind word, love, an outstretched hand. From time to time we simply need someone to walk with us so that we don’t walk alone. Our Membership Care Ministry stands ready to walk with members when their lives just aren’t working as they should.
Membership Care is a network of interdependent care ministries that work together to serve the needs of our members. This network of care ministries are:
Parish Family Care Groups
Sponsoring & Caring for Members New to Shiloh
ACC: Accounting for, Contacting, Connecting every member
Family Support Ministries:
Family Support Ministries exist to offer hope and help in times of pain or crisis for families, singles, children & adults of all ages through Family Support, Social Services and Counseling Referrals. Family Support Teams provide care, encouragement and support to those who are hurting or in need of resources.
S.T.O.P. [Show Them Other Paths] Case Management Benevolence[Financial Assistance] Food | Clothing Assistance Housing Assistance/Referrals JOBS [Employment Assistance]
Inbound Care Team (for homebound, nursing home, assisted living members)
Hospital Visitation Team
Counseling Connection & Referral
Bereavement TEAM [Funeral and Memorial Planning]
Transportation Team
Diaconate Ministry:
Baptisms [Prepare new Christians for their baptism]
Funerals/Memorials [Assist the Pastor and Families with funeral preparation and services]
Parish Ministry [Serve as servant-leaders staffing the Parish Ministry]
Family Support Referrals [Refer and assist members of their Parish with financial support requests]
Communion [Assist the Pastor with preparing and serving Communion; provide Communion for homebound members]