Our History

Sunday, May 25, 1952 marked the beginning of Shiloh Missionary Baptist Church. More than thirty people assembled in the Carpenter’s Hall to organize the church. Reverend John N. Deforre, the pastor of Calvary Baptist Church, presided at the organizing meeting. Reverend John L. Holiday (pictured) was elected Shiloh’s first pastor. Mrs. Anne B. Smith was secretary; Governor Chamblis, Willie Hurt, Willie Leslie and J.K. Davis were elected the first deacons. Several days later another meeting was held and Thomas A. Lewis, W.O. McGee and Henry Burton were elected to the Board of Trustees. Velma Smith, Ola B. Leslie, Verna Mae Nealy and Amanda Gaines were elected to the Deaconess Board.
In 1954, Shiloh moved to the basement of a site at 229 West 8th Avenue. Reverend B.H. Gibbs served as interim pastor until Reverend N.L. Presley was chosen as pastor. Reverend Presley served until 1956. A church structure was built on this site and was dedicated in October 1958. During the period of 1956-1958, Reverends Chandler and Murdock served as pastor of Shiloh. Reverend Murdock was a pulpit chairman – he served until the election of Reverend E.M. Howard in March 1958. Reverend Howard was pastor of Shiloh until 1965.

Reverend Giles Trammel served as interim pastor from December 1965 until January 1966 when Reverend Shedrick Griggs, who had been ordained by Reverend Trammel, was elected to serve as temporary pastor. He was elected pastor in July 1966 and served until his death in February 1970. After Reverend Griggs death, Reverend G.H. Simien and Reverend J.H. Turner and others carried on services for Shiloh. In November of 1970, Reverend Alonzo B. Patterson, Jr. of the Corinthian Baptist Church of Fairbanks, Alaska was elected as pastor.

Under Pastor Patterson’s leadership, Shiloh, who was a member of the Southern Baptist Convention, became affiliated with the National Baptist Convention, USA, and in later years became a member of both the National Baptist and American Baptist Conventions.
In 1974, Shiloh was forced to relocate as the city of Anchorage developed its downtown area. While waiting to rebuild, Shiloh shared facilities with her sister church, First American Baptist. In the sharing arrangement, Shiloh occupied several areas of the building and shared the sanctuary on Sundays. Sunday school classes were held jointly and First American Baptist held an early worship service while Shiloh held a later service.
A groundbreaking service for the new Shiloh Missionary Baptist Church (in its current location on 20th Avenue) was held on August 30, 1975. The dream and vision of the new church became a reality in August of 1976.

On August 8, 1976 (the year Shiloh celebrated its twenty-fourth anniversary) members and friends of the new Shiloh Missionary Baptist Church gathered at First American Baptist Church and began their pilgrimage homeward. The journey was led by the Reverend Holiday (Shiloh’s founding pastor) and the current pastor, Pastor Alonzo B. Patterson, Jr.
In the years that followed, Shiloh grew and accomplished many of its dreams and visions for ministry. Many new ministries were developed – the Church School, the Bus Ministry and various outreach ministries to include a Television Ministry and a Jail Outreach Ministry. Shiloh also organized several mission churches throughout Alaska, as well as a church in Great Falls, Montana and one in Germany.

In the years that followed, Shiloh grew and accomplished many of its dreams and visions for ministry. Many new ministries were developed – the Church School, the Bus Ministry and various outreach ministries to include a Television Ministry and a Jail Outreach Ministry. Shiloh also organized several mission churches throughout Alaska, as well as a church in Great Falls, Montana and one in Germany.
On Shiloh’s twenty-ninth anniversary, the mortgage note for the original structure was burned and under the theme: “Burning to Build”, groundbreaking for the second “Educational” wing took place. In 1983, the Education Wing was dedicated.
In May of 1989, Shiloh broke ground for a third addition to the church, a multipurpose facility. The Martin Luther King Jr. Family Life Center was dedicated on May 23, 1993. This building marked the end of the building program for this century, but it marked the beginning of new visions of ministry for Shiloh.

Utilizing the three facilities, the Worship Center, the Education Center and the Family Life Center, Shiloh is moving forward to fulfill its mission and ministry to individual families, to the church family, to the extended community, and to the world. God has called Shiloh to a new vision!
Shiloh is following God’s call to mission and ministry. The membership of the church now includes 650 families, totaling close to 1100 members and still growing.
On February 11, 2017 the Shiloh family voted in the Reverend Undra Parker as its new Pastor to assume the Senior Pastor on November 6, 2017. Pastor Parker has served with the Shiloh family in numerous roles; Associate Minister for Media, Associate Minister for Discipleship and Education, Associate Minister for Facilities, Assistant Pastor, and Auxiliary Pastor!
“We have come this far by faith.”